by Admin | Jan 15, 2015 | Events, JED, JED Vids, Learning series, Online content, Philosophy, Rabbi Dr. Yitchak Breitowitz, Video, Video Blogs
Join us for a thought provoking talk on Privacy in the New Digital Age as we explore relevant court cases and the Jewish perspective on our responsibilities to uphold the dignity of the individual on social media. Thurs., Feb. 19th 6:45 p.m. Reception 7:45 p.m. The...
by Admin | Oct 20, 2013 | College Student, Events, grads and young Jewish professionals, Learning series
Join us this Tues. night (8:00 p.m.) at the night yeshiva for a condensed analysis of five most common conflicts that arise working in a secular workplace followed by ample time for Q&A. Rabbi Ari Wasserman, J.D. teaches weekly classes to the recently observant at...
by Admin | Nov 30, 2012 | Hashkafa (philosophy), JED Vids, Online content, Video, Video Blogs
In a generation of overwhelming assimilation, why are so many people seeking out Torah Judaism in our generation? Rabbi Shlomo Wiener shares his thoughts based on over twenty years of counseling college students and young professionals who have taken on a life of...