Join us this Tues. night (8:00 p.m.) at the night yeshiva for a condensed analysis of five most common conflicts that arise working in a secular workplace followed by ample time for Q&A. Rabbi Ari Wasserman, J.D. teaches weekly classes to the recently observant at both Aish HaTorah and Ohr Sameach in Jerusalem. Rabbi Wasserman’s classes focus on the most common conflicts between Jewish Law and the secular workplace.


Rabbi Wasserman, J.D.:
Rabbi Ari Wasserman has published three volumes of his classes which are a mix of halachah, parashat hashavua and commentary on contemporary issues called Hegyonei Haparashah. Rabbi Wasserman attended Yeshivat Shaalavim and then went on to receive his undergraduate degree at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School (Cum Laude). A respected specialist in corporate contracts and mergers, he has worked as an attorney at Sullivan & Cromwell and other law firms. After many years in those positions, he decided to open a private practice in Los Angeles.  Rabbi Wasserman is co-founder and/or general counsel to several start ups in the Marketing industry. He lives with his family in the Shaarei Chesed neighborhood of Yerushalayim.
