When we heard of the brutal murder of 11 congregants of the Tree of Life congregation in Pittsburgh, MA, we were all shocked. Within 24 hours we hosted a discussion session at jpulse and we had a minyan to pray. We then proceeded to the Boston Commons where there was a vigil being organized (less than 24 hours from the time the organizers heard of this atrocity!

We were stunned by a welcome exhibit, giant portraits of holocaust survivors. This was a separate exhibit, not related but to close for comfort, which added to the strange vibe of the day. We were able to hear from so many religious and civil leaders from all walks and faiths. Then we had the opportunity to speak with Jeremy Burton of the Jewish Community Relations Council and Marc Baker the President of the CJP, Bosotn’s federation.

All in all, the day was somber but inspiring. I hope this video gives you a glimpse of the day and inspires you to attend next time. 

May we merit to see peace and completion in our days.

