Multiplex @ JPULSE!

This wed night JPULSE will offer a number of classes simultaneously.

7:30 pm Dinner

8:00 pm Talks (choose your own adventure)

"Pulp Fiction and the Key to Life" w Rabbi Carter Schwartz

Is there one Power/Infinite Force (i.e. G-d) in the universe that created everything and intervenes in our daily lives?
Does this G-d communicate with us and have an interest in our paying attention to His/Her messages?
How does one define good and evil in this construct and are there consequences for making decisions towards one “side” or the other?
Tarantino certainly has an opinion in the matter. Do you?

"Business Ethics" w Rabbi Mati Miller

Join Rabbi Mati Miller as the group explores and delineates ethical business practices. This is a text based discussion in a group setting.

Email us for more info:
