"Holiday & Hearth" w Mrs. Chaya Esther Miller

Hello ladies! As per many requests, we are thrilled to invite you to an intimite cooking event, and with Purim coming up it’s the perfect opportunity to prepare your mishloach manot (food gifts)! Come learn about the science of cooking and meal planning, glean some new recipes, cook and pack your own mishloach manot and learn about the 4 special mitzvot (commandments) of the holiday of Purim! On Tuesday, March 22, treat yourself out to an evening of learning that will satisfy your mind, body and soul! @ Beth Israel Malden, 10 Dexter St, Malden 02148. Can’t wait to see you there!

7:30 PM Dinner and Talk

8:15 PM You cook the menu and pack your food gifts!


  • Sesame Chicken over rice
  • Salad Trifle
  • Apple Pie

Suggested donation $10

RSVP required: Email us! info@jpulse.org
