Overview for tutors

Thank you for visiting our Tutors page. Our primary goal is to match Jews with Jews to experience pure Torah learning with no other motives or hidden agenda. Our secondary goal is to bridge the social and knowlege gap that exists between different circles of Jewish community. We value a respectful and comfortable environment which fosters open, nonjudgmental and honest discussions. It is those discussions and experiences that bring us to a deeper understanding.

This is basically like a partners in Torah program that tries to keep it local. Tutors can learn in English or Hebrew. Generally, most participants will prefer an English translation. You do not have to be a genius. You do have to understand what you know and most importantly what you don’t know.


Fill out our sign up form at the bottom of this page.

FAQ for tutors


Do we have to learn at the center on Corey Road? The main thing is to learn. If it is easier to meet at your home, no problem. 

Can I learn over the phone? Of course! We only ask that you keep us in the loop. We may periodically call to follow up with you and your friend to see how things are going.

Should we invite our friend for Shabbat? We encourage friends to invite friends for Shabbat. But please don’t be pushy! Also, please ask us for our Shabbat package which will likely make your friend’s experience more pleasant and user friendly.

Do I need to have all the answers to every question? Of course! Just kidding. The most important thing is to know what you don’t know. Intellectual honesty is a virtue. Our staff and volunteers will happily assist you with the question.

Is it coed? Nope. In order to cater to everyone’s comfort level, we maintain a separate men’s program and women’s program.

Didn’t see your question here? Email us at info@jpulse.org.


My Torah partner and I started learning almost 3 years ago! We were matched really well and connected instantly. It was so valuable to have a chevrusa that I could meet with consistently in person. We became close friends, and continued learning throughout my time in seminary (despite the 7 hour time change). Although I’ve left Boston, we still learn each week and only have to navigate a 2 hour time change 🙂 We finished the sefer Mesilat Yesharim in December, which was a rewarding accomplishment. I’m thankful to Jpulse for setting me up with such a great learning partner who became a great friend!


Doctoral Candidate, Physchology

The FIT program has been an invaluable resource for me as a newly observant Jew. Through the 1:1 learning I do with my study partner, I am beginning to keep Shabbos and my practice is getting deeper and more meaningful each week. I really get the individual attention I need and have the opportunity to ask questions in an environment that is comfortable and non-judgmental. I can’t recommend it enough!

