Great leaders lead by example

Great leaders don’t look for excuses, they look for alternative routes to get things done. I had the privilege to play catalyst to a generous $3,000 – $5,000 donation of food from Star Market and as in the past, I called JPULSE friend and student Lindsay Goldberg who works at Jewish Family & Children’s Service. Lindsay put me in touch with someone at JF&CS but as is common during this time of year, the person who normally receives such requests was on vacation that week. Normally these things can wait, but in this case the food needed to be picked up that day.

Understanding the importance of Family Table program as well as the challenges raising money, I emailed Rimma Zelfand, CEO of JF&CS. I was so impressed by the way Rimma handled things. She quickly emailed me and I shortly thereafter received a call from one of the JF&CS employees who was ready to come get the donated food. Go team!

I was very impressed by the commitment and responsiveness by all hands on deck at JF&CS, especially the CEO who truly led by example. Shout out to Rimma Zelfand, Star Market and JF&CS and all those who selflessly give and volunteer!


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