Meet Jewish singles more shmorganically. Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Sign up.
Register and fill out a profile on our matchmaker hub (register link below) so we can set you up. It only takes a sec and then your good to go to all future events.
Step 2: We match tables.
We sift through the profiles and match you at the right table.
Step 3: You enjoy your table.
Your table awaits (e.g. four guys and four girls) making it a more organic way to get to know people in a very laid back atmosphere.
Step 4: Mingle with all tables.
Whether or not your match table was a fit or a flop, meet up with the other tables afterwards during dessert hour(s).
April 27th, Washington Square in Brookline, MA
Shmorganic goes upscale. Don’t miss this next event. Join us and enjoy meeting people more organically.
Create your profile (one-time)
Register in our matchmaker hub. Help us get to know you so we can connect you at the right table. Your profile is good for all future events.
More events to come...
Free invites to future events.