Join us for one or more of an insightful series of talks and maximize your holiday experience. Beginners and advanced will gain from from the pregame. Preparation is everything. See below for a schedule of events.

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Schedule of events


In the Palace of The King, Wed., Aug. 28th, 8:30pm, Ladies only, at Mrs. Rodkin’s house. Click here for more info.

Rosh Hashanna: A Call to Greatness, Thurs. night, Aug. 29th, 8:00pm, Men and women at JPULSE*

Yom Kippur: Achieving the Great at-ONE, Thurs. night, Sep. 12, 8:00pm, men and women at JPULSE*



The Lulav Shake: Discovering the Lulav, Sun. Sep 15, 7:00pm, Men and women at JPULSE*


* Refreshments will be served. We are located at 74 Corey Road, Brighton, MA.
