The 10 days (Rosh Hashannah to Yom Kippur) of repairing our relationships with people and the Infinite have come to a close. Now its time to celebrate with a fresh start to the year – in the Sukkah.







Sukkot Schedule






Wed., Oct. 12 Register now

Email us for more info







Thurs., Oct. 13  Thursday for 30’s & 40’s feasting under the stars

 30’s & 40’s

 RSVP must be no later than TUES OCT. 11 






Fri., Oct 14  Friday night Moonlight feast under the stars


 RSVP must be no later than TUES OCT. 11




Sat., Oct. 15 Register now



Sun., Oct. 16 Sukkot Across America

 Open House

Sun. afternoon stop in around 2 – 4 for some snacks, insights, music, and community.




Wed., Oct. 19 Register now

Thurs., Oct. 20 (Shemini Atzeret) Register now

Fri., Oct. 21 (Simchat Torah) Register now

(Location and times TBA upon registration)



