by Admin | Aug 23, 2018 | Community Service, Foodies, Jerusalem, Jewish World, JP Katz, Rabbi JP Katz, The Journal, Video
Stay Positive: Don't Ever Give Up You never know who you’ll meet. Just a regular day heading out to meetings and bumping into interesting people who clearly are working hard and mastering their crafts. I always get inspired by people who are passionate about...
by Admin | Aug 20, 2018 | Community Service, Foodies, Jerusalem, Jewish World, JP Katz, Rabbi JP Katz, The Journal, Video
Inspiring Religious Tolerance I had an awesome time visiting with Jeffrey Davis. Jeffrey is an active and vibrant participant of community building and Israel. He’s served many years for the Jewish National Fund both on the national Executive Board as well as...
by Admin | Sep 10, 2015 | Community Service, Growing Each Day, JED Vids, Personal Growth
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Aldrich received his PhD and MA from Harvard University, another MA from UC Berkeley, and his BA from UNC-Chapel Hill. He has served as a consultant for disaster resilience the U.S. State Department, the governments of Japan and New Zealand, and...
by Admin | Dec 22, 2013 | Community Service, JP Katz, Video Blogs
Great leaders lead by example Great leaders don’t look for excuses, they look for alternative routes to get things done. I had the privilege to play catalyst to a generous $3,000 – $5,000 donation of food from Star Market and as in the past, I called...
by Admin | Dec 13, 2013 | Community Service, JP Katz, Video Blogs
True Greatness is sweating the small stuff It isn’t just the kind deeds you do that are important, but it is also HOW you do them that counts. Sweat the small stuff because that’s where true greatness lives. I spent three inspirational hours with people...
by Admin | May 23, 2013 | Community Service, Events, grads and young Jewish professionals
Thank you! Dear Friends, Since the early days at JPULSE in our home and even today with our center bursting at the seams, I’ve never felt comfortable with the idea of charging guests for Shabbos meals. I know everyone does it, and I am in no way criticizing this...